Saturday, June 05, 2010

The Perfect Rain Fly

Raid On Pub Supplies
get yours now

.. With the continuous rain pelting disappointed tourists and exuberant fly fishers alike comes a stupendous revolution in fly tying history.
.. Even though we're under a flood advisory, and even though the Firehole River is approaching record levels, and is currently at twice the historic discharge rate, the neighbors continue to fish & catch.
.. They have even devised a new fly for the wet weather and high water conditions that we're currently experiencing.
.. By resorting to local materials, and using the ingenuity of well tippled fly flingers, our creative neighbors have produced a fly to match the conditions of the current weather.
.. The requirements for the design were straightforward: it should float, attract fish like no other fly, be made from simple to obtain materials, and most importantly - stay dry in the constant rain.
.. This creation is a dry fly that stays dry in wet weather. It's a bitch to cast but the rewards are well worth the effort.
.. Fish can see the correct refracted image without the interfering plashing of rain drops and make a mad dash for this fly. It's a wonder to behold.
.. Neighborhood fishers have recorded astronomical catch rates. Visiting fishers are paying through the nose for examples of this piscatorial foolery.
.. Many of our local pubs are running out of the key ingredient in this fly recipe. Bartenders are cagily denying certain of the neighborhood fishers specific kinds of drinks in the hopes of maintaining the current stock on hand.
.. CNN visited some of the local feather merchants for examples of this fly.
.. They found bewildered clerks and disgusted guides. Of course the fly can only be obtained from those with the secret recipe.
.. History has been made here before; just not as revolutionary, nor as controversial as this time. Mark your calendars with today's date. The IMPROVED PARACHUTE ADAMS is here!