Friday, February 26, 2010

Around The Block

Fish Now or Fish Soon
it aint spring quite yet
.. We took a quick drive around the neighborhood to check out the water and the fishing prospects for the weekend.
.. Despite the warm days, the cool nights are keeping some ice in place on the rivers and creeks.
.. The lakes are still responding to augers and maggots.
.. As of today:
-> South Fork of the Madison = bank full and about to roar, estuary at Hebgan Lake is rapidly becoming ice free.
-> Yellowstone Creek = frozen solid.
-> Cabin Creek = frozen solid.
-> Beaver Creek = flowing and growing, solid surface ice above the beaver ponds.
-> Duck Creek = flowing slow, some surface ice still present at the park line.
-> Grayling Creek = most ice gone, flowing but low, willow bottoms show ice in some sections, estuary growing.
-> Cougar Creek = flowing slow, lots of surface ice.
-> Madison River between the lakes = a bit high, fishable, spawners beginning to appear, clouds of snow flies, little pressure so far.
-> Hebgan Lake = Still frozen but surface slush is appearing, large Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, & Rocky Mountain Whitefish being gathered up on very small jigs, drowned caddis flies, and maggots.
-> Quake Lake = Inlet expanding, still frozen, some water flowing on surface of ice, discharge clear, big fish being taken at outlet.
.. It's time to get your new fishing license. Don't catch them all!