Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Griz And The USFS

Good For Griz, & Hunters
brief catching report
.. The Gallatin National Forest has called off the 'Lonesome Wood Vegetation Management Project.' The recent re-listing of Grizzly Bears has caused a reevaluation of the project in light of mandates of the Threatened and Endangered Species act.
.. Postponement of the 3,100 acre slash and burn project is expected to delay the project until a review of the decision is completed.
.. Both hunters and grizzly bears will appreciate the decision. No smoke in the eyes for the hunters. More gut piles and carcasses for the grizzlies. Fat bears survive a winter nap better than thin bears.
.. Read it HERE (PDF.)
.. Just a hint about the fishing, (& catching,): not all the trees in our backyard are lodgepole pine. There are fish to be had in the bottoms where the willows, sage, and deciduous trees meet the pine forest. check it out.
.. Take the box with large nymphs and small streamers for the submarines from Hebgan Lake. The snow flies are early and prolific this year. If you're into midge fishing now is the time to start.
.. This last summer has seen the continued trail closure in the Gallatin National Forest accelerate at a rapid pace. Access is, at best, a nuisance. The conflicting management goals of "multiple use," and "restricted access," are playing out in our backyard as you read this.