Monday, May 18, 2009

Hidden Treasure

Not Too High
very big fish-------
.. The Grayling Creek Willow Bottoms have been yielding some excellent fish, (to about 20",) for those willing to walk the muck and mire and tangle. There are rising fish and others for the taking. Stealth is the key, and a bit of specialized equipment helps quite a bit.
.. We use a 10' four weight loaded with a #6 level line. A short, (5 - 6 foot,) leader and a parachute Adams in size 14, (or so.)
.. We tie the flies with a large hackle and a giant parachute for a reason: the wind catches them and sails them along the surface of the water as we dap in obvious and less obvious places. Takes are always a surprise and usually pretty spectacular.
.. Initial access to the willow bottoms is easy; catching in the first 200 yards below the bridge will provide some entertaining dances with the 'little fellows.'
.. As the distributary channels are encountered interesting pairings can occur and a waltz can quickly turn into a Fox Trot, Samba, Mambo, or Apache Dance.
.. We reveal this little fished stretch of water for those who are tired of drowning their flies in the chocolate muck of spring. If you look closely you can see the one sage angler on the north distributary channel. Hooked up too!