Wednesday, April 01, 2009

No April Fool

Worms Ahoy
you may have it and not know it
.. The "Cornflicker Worm" may strike today. You may have harbored it for years and not known it. As many as 30% of Windows PC's have it.
.. The Conficker worm is a type of virus that lives unnoticed in your PC while spreading itself to other computers over the Internet.
.. Currently the worm does not harm infected computers, but it has the capacity to cause considerable damage at a later time. Experts fear it may cause damage starting April 1.
.. You are at risk if your computer is not configured to receive patches and updates from Microsoft and is not running an up-to-date anti-virus product.
.. The worm initially lives in the Windows Server Service and corporate networks are most vulnerable - BUT - surfing the web puts us all in contact with Windows servers.
.. WHAT TO DO? Nothing if you are protected. Get the Windows patch (MS08-67) if you are not.
.. This could be just stuff and nonsense, a tempest in a teapot, or a false alarm. As always we'll know tomorrow what happened today.
.. Read about it HERE.
.. It's about time for our mid morning snack.