Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Que Tal Hombre ?

Read It In English
down with ethnocentrism
lets hear it for vets
.. We notice that the Moldy Boys have posted a bienvenidos link to Pesca Pirineos: we second the sentiment.
.. Should you, too, care to explore the world of flies and fly fishing not in English, Google has made it easier for you.
.. Yesterday Google announced "automatic" translation in their feed reader. And, if you, like us, enjoy the broader view of fly fishing, here's a couple to try out:
-- Pesca Com Mosca
-- Pescando a Mosca
.. Both sites are exceptionally attractive and informative. The creativity of the sites, (not to mention the flies,) could easily serve as models for future fly fishing information dispersion. Thanks to Google we can now use our fractured English instead of our disastrous Spanish to keep informed.
.. Well, breakfast is just a memory, lunch is far off, but there's coffee to be had at our secret VFW pub. Time to remember and reminisce. After all, it's not armistice day anymore. Got your poppy?