Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just Too Good

Too Many Trout
even duck creek !!
stay home
.. The feather merchants are happy. The trout are eager. The elbows are everywhere. The stories are exuberant. The legends are being formed. And: all is well with the world.
.. It happens, (not as often as we'd like,) that on occasion, everything works. Right now the fishing and catching in Yellowstone National Park are both excellent. It's been better - but not much!
.. There are big bugs, little bugs, live bugs, dead bugs, floating bugs, swimming bugs, crawling bugs, flying bugs, drowned bugs, and even loving bugs. If you eat bugs; now is the time to be in Yellowstone.
.. The west side rivers and streams are at their best and a detailed report would not do justice to the conditions. Suffice it to say that now is the time to be fishing on the west side of the park. Pick your stream, pick your fly, pick by just about any criteria that you choose: you'll look like a genius. It all works and it all works well. We suggest that you stay home and think about it - you would not believe it if you were here.
.. There are some nice reports at the following sites if the drool is not yet dripping from your lips.
-- Blue Ribbon Flies,
-- Madison River Outfitters #1,
-- Madison River Outfitters #2,
-- Bud Lilly's Trout Shop,
-- West Yellowstone Fly Shop.
.. Wending his way west is Jeff (Trout Bum) Kennedy. He's a featured artist over at MidCurrent, and like Tom at The Trout Underground just can't resist the call of legends in the Montana rivers and streams. Jeff has placed before himself the task of drawing one fly per day for a year. His fly #198 is striking rendition of Wally Eagle's "Feather Duster." The two toned variant looks good enough that we may ignore biscuits and gravy in favor of a dozen of these.
.. The good folks at Best Fly Fishing Yellowstone have resuscitated their site and blog. We're pleased to suggest that you click on over and check it out.
.. The Invasive Species Weblog has an interesting note about how mollusks, (sans legs,) can travel about the world with such rapidity and aplomb. Check out the story about the Quagga.
.. Protect Your Waters also carries a note about two articles about the Quagga and Zebra mussels crossing the continental divide, [[ Kalamazoo Gazette // Muskegon Chronicle ]]. There is also a note about the ways anglers , boaters, and others transport these hitchhikers, including a PDF document from the state of Minnesota Department of Naqtural Resources.
.. If you're coming this way, and would like to catch up on some of the happenings in the region we suggest that you click by The Yellowstone Newspaper. It contains brief notes and links to many of the happenings in Yellowstone country. From bears, to wolves, to political bison, (even an occasional trouty report,) - it's all HERE.
If you can find this place you'll catch fish.