Monday, June 11, 2007

Yellowstone Addresses ANS

Considering Our Role In Degrading The Water

.. The official web site of Yellowstone National Park is catching up with the rest of the park on the invasive species issue. There is now an integrated page about invasive species. The site features the Protect Your Waters logo and has links to important resources, including fishing regulations.
.. The page lists an official WARNING about "Hotzones" of ANS. They include:
  • Firehole River, Gardner River, Gibbon River, Madison River, Yellowstone River

  • .. A significant link is to the Yellowstone In Depth page. This page includes episode 2, a video about the troubled waters of Yellowstone. The page also includes links to the significant ANS resources.
    .. Lethargy and apathy seem to be widespread in the recreational fishing community and this is not limited to just the Yellowstone Visitor. Shane the "Cuddly Curmudgeon" at The Quiet Pool has noted the same in Washington and Oregon.
    .. We urge you to check with your guide and your host fly shop about the actions that you can take to help prevent the further spread of invasive species. (Summary, Clean your gear.)